NektonIntegrationsDatabases Airtable

Airtable Airtable integrations

Use Nekton to connect Airtable with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate Airtable integrations with Nekton

While spreadsheets are often the most straightforward way to stay organized, they can quickly get cumbersome when you have lots of information to sort. Airtable combines the ease of a spreadsheet with the power of a database, and with the help of Nekton, you can instantly put your data to work. Collect information from your app or tool of choice and automatically store it in Airtable. Then create events, notifications, or tasks directly from Airtable entries.
It's hard to get insights, extract keywords, entities mentioned, and identify sentiment or topic for raw data without having expertise in machine learning or data scie...
Are you using Airtable to store contact form submissions or leads? Set up this Flow to automatically check every new contact form submission or leads with OOPSpam and ...
This integration allows you to set up an automation workflow that sends out an email notification whenever a new record in Airtable is added to a specific view of your...
Airtable's spreadsheet-style databases are perfect for tracking and parsing data. But when you're collaborating in a base with a team—or accepting new records from cus...
Tired of filtering, sorting, and re-sorting when you receive new data? Nekton can do that busywork for you and synthesize the info you need. After you've set up this i...

Create automations that integrate Airtable with other services

Nekton AI can integrate Airtable with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your Airtable workflows:

Airtable actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in Airtable API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Airtable. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Create Record
Creates a new record with auto-populating fields.
Update Record
Update the values of specific cells in an Airtable record.
API Request (Beta)
This is an advanced action which makes a raw HTTP request that includes this integration's authentication. This is useful if an application has an API endpoint that Nekton doesn't implement yet. You will be expected to read and utilize the API documentation provided by the application. Further, if the application changes their API, you will be expected to make the appropriate fixes and updates.
Find Record
Use simple field search or Airtable's powerful formula syntax to find a matching Airtable record. Learn more at
Find or Create Record
Find or Create Record
Create Records (With Line Item Support)
Creates up to 10 multiple new records with line item input
App Extensions (Beta)
Performs an API call using an App Extension (Beta) entry, which you can select or create, later within this Flow's setup. App Extensions (Beta) can be reused across multiple flows and are managed centrally through the App Extensions (Beta) builder.
Find Many Records (With Line Item Support)
Finds multiple rows (10 max) using Airtable's search syntax. Returned as line items.
Find or Create Record(s) (With Line Item Support)
Find or Create Record(s)
New Record
Triggers when a new record is created. Optionally: triggers when any record (new or existing) is first added to a selected view.
New or Updated Record
Triggers when a record is created or updated.

About Airtable

Organize anything with Airtable, a modern database created for everyone. Airtable is a fast and flexible way to create tables to keep track of anything, from sales leads to vacation planning to inventory management.