OnePageCRM OnePageCRM integrations

Use Nekton to connect OnePageCRM with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate OnePageCRM integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate OnePageCRM with other services

Nekton AI can integrate OnePageCRM with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your OnePageCRM workflows:

OnePageCRM actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in OnePageCRM API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for OnePageCRM. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Create Next Action
Creates a new Next Action for contact.
Create Contact
Creates a new contact in OnePageCRM.
Create Note
Adds a new note to a contact.
Update Deal
Updates an existing deal in OnePageCRM.
Find Deal
Find a deal in OnepageCRM.
Find or Create a Deal
Find an existing deal in OnePageCRM or create a new one.
Close Sales Cycle
Closes the sales cycle for a specific contact.
Create Call
Adds a new call to a contact.
Create Deal
Creates a new deal.
Update Contact
Updates a contact in OnePageCRM.
Find Contact
Find a contact in OnepageCRM.
Find or Create a Contact
Find an existing contact in OnePageCRM or create a new one.
Closed Sales Cycle
Triggers when a sales cycle is closed.
New Next Action
Triggers when a new next action is added.
New Contact
Triggers when a contact is created.
New Note
Triggers when a new note is created.
Updated Deal
Triggers when a deal is updated.
Completed Next Action
Triggers when a next action is completed.

About OnePageCRM

OnePageCRM converts the complexity of CRM into a simple to-do list. Built using GTD (Getting Things Done) productivity principles, its streamlined approach to sales helps you convert leads to customers, reach targets and grow your business fast. By focusing on that one Next Action, your sales team are organized and empowered to move a deal forward. OnePageCRM strives to offer a product that is as easy to use as email and helps your company achieve zero admin.