Ambassador Ambassador integrations

Use Nekton to connect Ambassador with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate Ambassador integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate Ambassador with other services

Nekton AI can integrate Ambassador with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your Ambassador workflows:

Ambassador actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in Ambassador API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Ambassador. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Update Contact
Update an existing contact. Will overwrite existing fields with new data provided.
Create Contact
Create a new contact.
Record Multiple Events
Record events for multiple campaigns.
Shortcode Lookup
Retrieves the referring ambassador and campaign information tied to an “mbsy” short code.
Find or Create Ambassador by Email Address
Look up an ambassador by email
Update Commission
Update a commission status to 'Approved' or 'Denied'
Create Commission
Create a new commission.
Record Event
Record a new event.
Find Ambassador by Email
Look up an ambassador by email

About Ambassador

Ambassador gives any company the tools to turbo-charge their referral program, turning their customers into brand Ambassadors. Use Ambassador to easily create, track & manage custom incentives that drive referrals and evangelize your users. It's as simple as pasting a javascript snippet or can be seamlessly integrated via API.